1910 W. Main St
Barstow, CA, 92311
760-256-8408 and 800-732-8382

                                BARSTOW FLOWER SHOP 


     ~Make them feel extra special on their Special Day!~


    #happybirthday #iloveyou #thankyou #justbecause   


   From birthdays and anniversaries to just because, we are glowing with rich colors for every occasion. Come see our truly original Collection of Bouquets, Centerpieces, Wreaths, Blooming Plants, Candles, Baby, Country, Gifts and much more.

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Country Garden

Country Garden


Country Garden


Spring is a time to enjoy all the beauty around you—and our gorgeous bouquet is no exception! Featuring a French country garden-style mix of pink, blue, yellow and peach blooms artistically hand-designed by our skilled florists, this luxurious arrangement delivers the best part of the season right to their door. May differ from photo due to flowers that are in season at the time.

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear


Teddy Bear


Make their special day even more magnificent and add a Stuffed Animal to their gift. Plush design may vary. 

Sweet Surprise

Sweet Surprise


Sweet Surprise


Sending a Sweet Surprises® Bouquet by FTD® is an absolutely charming way to send your warmest sentiments. Pink mini carnations, hot pink rose stems, white traditional daisies and lush greens are sweetly situated in a classic clear vase accented with a perfectly pink designer ribbon to create a bouquet that will delight your special recipient at every turn.

Florist Choice Bouquet

Florist Choice Bouquet


Florist Choice Bouquet


Have your flowers delivered in a glass vase. Let our top notch florists  design a bouquet with their freshest seasonal flowers and expertise.

Happy Birthday Mug

Happy Birthday Mug


Happy Birthday Mug


Sweet and simple and stunning! We pack a garden of glorious blooms in a mug and deliver your Happy Birthday wishes in style.

Rose Elegance Pink

Rose Elegance Pink


Rose Elegance Pink


1 dozen soft pink roses make a beautiful gift for the lovely lady in your life. Wife, mother, daughter or sweetheart, she's sure to cherish this bouquet of pastel pink roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and arranged in a clear glass vase.

Pink Rose Bud Vase

Pink Rose Bud Vase


Pink Rose Bud Vase


A bud vase filled with 3 pink roses, greens, million star and a bow.

Blooming Vision

Blooming Vision


Blooming Vision


Blooming Vision Bouquet offers them a bouquet blooming with a "fresh from the garden" appeal. Pink roses, hot pink tulips, pink mini carnations and pink gerbera daisies are accented with white Monte Casino asters and lush greens. Gorgeously arranged in a clear glass cube vase accented with a pink satin ribbon, this bouquet is a soft and graceful way to send your warmest sentiments.
